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The WEEE Computer Disposal Directive

The WEEE directive (regarding computer disposal) was set up to prevent electrical and electronic equipment being sent to land fill or being disposed of irresponsibly. As this is now law, you, as a Business, school or even individual are no longer allowed to just 'Throw Away' your redundant computer and IT equipment.

CPR Computer Recycling services are registered as an upper tier waste carrier under licence number CBDU530479. However, we not only meet but exceed all required areas of compliance of the WEEE directive of 2014 because we simply do not dispose of anything. Instead everything is refurbished, re-used, sold and the profits donated to UK Charity.

In addition to this, any carbon footprint we leave by collecting your old computer equipment is offset by further donations each year to UK carbon offset programmes. So, all you now need to do is just give us a call, or use the online booking form, and CPR Computer Recycling will take care of everything for you.

At CPR computer recycling, 100% of equipment collected from you is repaired and fully refurbished then sold back into the market as working computers, printers, monitors, hard drives and telecoms equipment and so absolutely nothing gets thrown away. Now that's the way to recycling computers!

Best of all, this service is absolutely Free
Computer RecyclingFree to all UK based business.
IT RecyclingFree Computer and IT Recycling for all UK Schools, Colleges and Universities.
Desk Top Computer RecyclingFree Computer and IT Recycling for local Councils and Government bodies.

We are also fully compliant with GDPR for dealing with the destruction of digital data of any kind stored on media such as hard drives, NAS Drives and CD's and are registered with the .ICO for the purpose of handling data.

Our essential Weee Policy is detailed in the text above. However, if you would like copies or our policies regarding our GDPR Policy, this can be downloaded from our GDPR Policy Page.

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